mBot - Basic Loops
1 mBot
1 tablet with mBlock app
Step 1 : Connect the mBot to the tablet and open the programming interface
Use the dedicated button in the upper right-hand corner to connect to the mBot
Step 2 : Repeat an action
In the "Control" tab, look for block that allow to repeat an action. In programming, this is called loops.
Step 3 : Use a loop
- First play a simple sound with the mBot, followed by a break of 1 second.
- Play this sound 5 times with a loop
- Use the same loop to make the mBot go right and left alternatively
Step 4 : Exercises
Do 5 times the following actions :
- turn on right LED and then go right (and then stop and turn LED off)
- turn on left LED and then go left (idem)
Do 5 times the following actions:
- turn on right LED during 0.5 second and play a sound
- turn it off during 1 second in silence.